More efficient and reliable batteries

Improving batteries through sensors and self-healing functions to detect degradation and repair damage through advanced battery management systems
The PHOENIX project aims to research the self-healing, sensor and trigger functions in batteries. By developing cells that are able to live longer and recognize and prevent any kind of degradation, the aim is to make batteries more sustainable and cost-effective.
By implementing an advanced battery management system (BMS), it will be possible to detect any degradations in performance and assess the overall quality of the battery. In this way, the service life of the batteries can be increased by up to 100%.
Fraunhofer ISC is playing a key role in the development of the sensors and trigger functions. The sensors can be used to detect degradation within the cell. Expansion, temperature and ultrasonic sensors are being evaluated for this purpose. Mechanical, thermal and magnetic triggers are being investigated to start the self-healing process within the battery materials.