Process monitoring

Roll-to-roll printing technology
© Fraunhofer ISC
Piezoelectric pressure sensors printed on roll to roll for spatially resolved monitoring of a roll gap.

Sensors for simple monitoring tasks in process machines are widely used and available. However, certain measurement tasks cannot be solved with conventional sensors. CeSMA has developed sensors that can measure pressure over a length of several meters even in difficult process environments. This type of sensor can be used, to measure the "nip", i.e. the distance between rollers (project C3PO), as used in paper production. If there are slight differences in distance or pressure, the rolls used can quickly fail and need to be replaced, so controlling the distance/pressure can significantly reduce maintenance costs.

The used piezoelectric sensors can not only monitor the entire length of the rollers, but are also thin that they can be integrated into the roller without mechanically interfering. In addition, they are manufactured in an endless coating process using roll-to-roll printing technology so that no joining technologies are required.